Saturday, July 17, 2010

School Planning

I have started looking around the net at different blogs and such, getting ideas for the coming school year...there is so much out there, and I love to see what other families do and use!
I get excited and am ready to revamp the school room and get started--but I know that we need to enjoy some more summer time before jumping into a new school least my kids think so!

I thought I'd list a few of my favorite blogs for anyone interested.  I'm always finding new blogs that I love, most often b/c I keep clicking on links through comments and such!  I think I linked to most of these on my sidebar.  Tell me some of yours if you have any!

The two above are written/co-written by a girl who is just awesome.  Her love for Jesus and for teaching her children is amazing...I have found so much encouragement over the past two years from her sites!

Homeschool Creations (she has a facebook group and co-writes Totally Tots)
this is a great forum and resource site--I even met some local moms on there!
 Ramblings Of A Crazy Woman great for craft ideas
 Raising Olives she has a giveaway for a Sonlight GC going on now

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