Thursday, August 26, 2010


I saw the sleep-breathing specialist today and was so pleased with the appointment!  He was wonderful and really encouraged me to do something about my sleeping problems!  It was nice to hear someone who knows what he is talking about tell me that yes, there IS a problem and it needs to be fixed so that I can be better!
I go in a few days for another sleep study (just to have an updated one so that insurance can't complain) and then i'll go back for another to get me setup with a CPAP.  

I am NOT looking forward to sleeping with one of those.  I AM looking forward to having energy, being able to focus, and to finally wake up feeling refreshed.

If for some reason none of this happens, then we'll need to look into a housekeeper and a tutor for the kids.  I'm not kidding. 
I'm looking forward to reporting wonderful results!!


  1. I recently started sleeping with a CPAP machine. It only took me about a week to get adjusted to it. Unforuntaley for me, it hasn't helped my issues but the Dr. was doing this as a long shot. Good luck! I hope it helps you to feel like a new person! It has for my mom and brother! Sometime I'll have to share with you my brother's success story with the CPAP machine. It's amazing!

  2. oh no--what is the next step?? I'm praying that this helps me!! Definitely share your brothers story with me!
